Find balance, purpose & spiritual energy in the whole of your life


Combining contemporary leadership research with ancient wisdom

Habits for Business provides a cost effective way to help you build a motivated workforce and inform staff deployment.


An holistic approach to creation and a relational approach to learning.

Habits for Churches can help you build a mentoring and discipling culture, providing a place for individual reflection, energising accountability and a sharpened sense of mission.


A deeper look at resilience in the face of challenge and adversity.

Everyone seems interested in resilience nowadays, but few have published impact studies. We therefore designed, delivered and evaluated a course to help individuals understand, experience and promote resilience.

Latest Posts

Feb 2, 2022

Leadership Matters: Can Ethical Leadership be developed?

"It seems entirely natural to compartmentalise our lives. It helps us avoid internal interrogation, repress what is uncomfortable and promote the more pleasing parts of ourselves. So called “celebrity leaders” often rely on image management, hashtag stories and the pretence or fiction that they are in control."

Apr 28, 2020

Covid-19: Critical or Wicked for Boris?

Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them. A year ago, the job of British Prime Minister seemed like a poisoned chalice. But by that stage Brexit could be construed by any spin-doctor worth his salt as a crisis, and a crisis was just what Boris Johnson needed. In "Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions", [...]

Graphic designer on the Habits course

The life inventory – what a wake up call. Also session 1 felt like the course laid out before us was created just for me – it was so catered towards the challenges I was facing.