Spiritual Enterprise #2 Global Aid Network UK

Mar 13, 2015

Ever since I began the work of Agape Workplace Initiative in 2005, I have wanted to see Global Aid Network established in the UK.  The rich business people of Birmingham need the poor people of the world to bring us face to face with the inequalities we have created, our own culpability, our false reliance on wealth and job security, and our worship of “mammon”.  Whilst there are many worthy aid agencies in the UK already, none has the global reach that GAiN does, and only a handful manage to practise such a holistic approach, particularly that of my good friend Klaus Dewald in Germany.  This is largely due to its unique history and connection to a relational network already in place which is more extensive than the United Nations.  It is the perfect partner to Habits of the Heart in helping build a redemptive culture of generosity.  Whilst Habits focuses on our inner world and leadership of self, GAiN provides opportunities to help out in the external concrete world.  In May this year we will see all the GAiN directors from around the world coming to the UK to launch GAiN officially in the UK under the leadership of my friend and team member Sarah Patel, and with help from Klaus and the team in Germany.  Already we have helped reconstruct a Children’s Centre in Haiti, and sent multiple truckloads of clothing to refugees in Iraq.  We will also be sending some people to the Disaster Relief Training in Latvia this coming September.