Gearing up for the future
Nov 5, 2012
Last Thursday I had a very encouraging cup of coffee with a longstanding friend of Agape in the city. As we walked away together, he said to me “I admire you people who have to live by vision and passion and persuasion, encouraging others to come along with you.” And certainly this financial crisis is having both a honing and humbling effect on me.
Honing, because it thrusts me back to my core purpose. I’m 56. What do I want to give myself to over this next decade or so, in what could be some of my most productive and fruitful years yet?
Humbling, because it reminds me afresh how precious my support team is. Like the simple but energising message my wife Jane and I received after visiting some friends on Friday night.
“It was great to see you after quite a long time. Thank you for making the effort to come and see us. It was good to catch up on family and work news. We feel privileged to be part of your team in spreading the gospel in Birmingham and beyond. Keep up the good work….We prayed for you and your work as you were driving home”
This morning I decided to start praying that the support situation will be clear and secure by the end of January. In simple terms I need an additional £1000 a month income. Over the last few months I have begun strengthening connections in Birmingham, the North East, the London commuter belt, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire and Hampshire. I missed most of my August salary, but have received additional donations to cover September and October. My undergraduate leadership teaching at Birmingham Business School should cover November. I need to cover December and January too, and then I need new income. Maybe you’d like to pray with me for this.